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Sharing Our Curriculum - Term 5

We send home more detail about the activities and themes for each term. These sheets will have advice on activities you may like to do with your Pre-school child. If you need a replacement sheet, please speak to your child's Key Person.

In Term 5 (April-May half term), in addition to following the children's interests and opportunities that arise, our focus topic is 'Exercise and Healthy Eating'


  • Planting seeds and plants

  • Obstacle Courses designed by the children

  • Small group activities on Healthy Eating

  • Preparing for school – Self Care (changing into PE Kits and dressing themselves.  Further encouraging skills in putting on and taking off coats, socks and shoes)

  • Making fruit kebabs

  • Taking part in dancing and music activities

  • Talking about healthy teeth, what foods are good and bad for teeth


  • Encourage your children to dress and undress themselves and to take off and put on their own shoes and socks.

  • Involve your children in preparing and cooking their meals.  We would love to hear what they have made.

  • Let us know about any activities your children have enjoyed whilst playing outside and any new skills they have developed.  You can do this by posting a picture or video to your child's Tapestry account.


30 - 50 months

·         Observe effects of activity on their bodies

40 – 60 months

·         Eats a healthy range of foodstuffs and understands the need for variety

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