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Sharing Our Curriculum - Term 3

We send home more detail about the activities and themes for each term. These sheets will have advice on activities you may like to do with your Pre-school child. If you need a replacement sheet, please speak to your child's Key Person.

In Term 3 (January-February half term), in addition to following the children's interests and opportunities that arise, our focus topic is COLOURS


  • Experimenting with colour and what happens when colours are mixed together

  • Sorting activities

  • Colour hunts

Weekly colour focus:

15th Jan = Red

22nd Jan = Green

29th Jan = Blue

5th February = Yellow


  • Go on a hunt around your home and list all the things which are the colour of the week. Your child might like to draw some of the items - please bring this in to share!

  • Point out different colours when out and about

  • On a car journey see who can be the first to spot a certain colour car

Don't forget to fill in a WOW! slip (available in the lobby) for anything your child does at home that you'd like to tell us about - this can be anything, big or small!


Expressive Arts and Design

22-36 months

  • I can explore what happens when I use different types of paint, pens, pencils, crayons, paper, glue and children’s scissors.

30-50 months

  • I can mix paints together to make new colours. 

© 2017 by Cogges Pre-school. No part of this site can be reproduced without express permission.

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